TOEFL® Primary

The TOEFL® Primary™ tests are the newest addition to the TOEFL® Family of Assessments, which also includes the TOEFL iBT®, TOEFL® ITP and TOEFL Junior® tests. Based on the heritage of the TOEFL test, the TOEFL Primary tests uphold ETS’s high standards for developing valid and reliable tests that support educational purposes and reflect the latest research innovations.
Put Your Students on the Right Path, Right From the Start
The TOEFL Primary tests are the first step on a student’s path to reaching his or her full potential. The tests measure students’ English communication skills and progress in English classes — and provide meaningful feedback about their abilities to both you and their parents.
The TOEFL Primary tests are designed to:
- Assess the general English-language proficiency of young students ages 8+
- Provide a snapshot of each student’s ability in listening, reading and speaking
- Support teaching and learning by giving information about students’ abilities in relation to a widely accepted international standard
Different Test Components for Students at Different Levels
TOEFL Primary Reading and Listening Test — Step 1
A paper-delivered test of reading and listening proficiencies designed for young students at the beginning stages of learning English
TOEFL Primary Reading and Listening Test — Step 2
A paper-delivered test of reading and listening proficiencies designed for young students who have acquired some communicative English skills
TOEFL Primary Speaking Test
A computer-delivered test of speaking proficiency suitable for young students at various levels of English‐language proficiency
Preparing Your Students for Success
The TOEFL Primary program helps your students improve their English skills both before and after the test. Handbooks with sample questions help you, students and their parents know what to expect on the test. After test day, MetaMetrics® Lexile® reading measures linked to TOEFL Primary scores make it easier to select books at students’ reading levels and improve their English reading proficiency over time.
How Tests Are Administered
Both TOEFL Primary Reading and Listening tests offer institutional testing so that schools can administer the tests to their own students. They are scored by ETS Preferred Network offices and feature fast turnaround times.
The TOEFL Primary Speaking test is given during fixed administration periods and is scored at ETS by ETS-trained raters.
Understanding and Using Scores
The TOEFL Primary program offers certificates of achievement based on a student’s score level. It’s one way to provide students and parents with a sense of accomplishment. Plus, TOEFL Primary scores are mapped to Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) levels to give students the ability to see their level on a global scale and to give you a more in-depth understanding of your students’ English proficiencies.